Magazyn Enter 1999 April
print office
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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
379 lines
:Base Printhse.hlp>main
1 Welcome to Corel Print Office
2 Overview: Welcome to Corel Print Office=Overview Welcome to Corel Print Office>main
2 Overview: About Corel Corporation=Overview About Corel Corporation>main
2 Overview: Registering Corel Print Office=Overview Registering Corel Print Office>main
2 Using Corel Print Office documentation
3 Overview: Using Corel Print Office documentation=Overview Using Corel Print Office documentation>main
3 Overview: Documentation conventions=Overview Documentation conventions>main
3 Using online Help=Using online Help>proc4
3 Accessing wizards=Accessing wizards>proc4
3 Accessing context-sensitive Help=Accessing contextsensitive Help>proc4
3 Printing Help=Printing Help>proc4
2 Exploring the Corel Print Office desktop
3 Overview: Exploring the Corel Print Office desktop=Overview Exploring the Corel Print Office desktop>main
3 Overview: The Project Page=Overview The Project Page>main
3 Overview: The Color Palette=Overview The Color Palette>main
3 Overview: The rulers=Overview The rulers>main
3 The toolbars
4 Overview: The toolbars=Overview The toolbars>main
4 Overview: The Standard toolbar=Overview The Standard toolbar>main
4 Overview: The Style Bar=Overview The Style Bar>main
4 Overview: The Property Bar=Overview The Property Bar>main
4 Overview: The Toolbox=Overview The Toolbox>main
3 The Notebook
4 Overview: The Notebook=Overview The Notebook>main
4 Docking and hiding the Notebook=Docking and hiding the Notebook>proc4
4 Overview: The Notebook navigation buttons=Overview The Notebook navigation buttons>main
4 Overview: The Guides page=Overview The Guides page>main
4 Overview: The Styles page=Overview The Styles page>main
4 Overview: The Catalog page=Overview The Catalog page>main
3 Controlling the Corel Print Office environment
4 Overview: Controlling the Corel Print Office environment=Overview Controlling the Corel Print Office environment>main
4 Hiding or displaying desktop features=Hiding or displaying desktop features>proc4
4 Changing the default settings=Changing the default settings>proc4
4 Installing additional fonts and dictionaries=Installing additional fonts and dictionaries>proc4
4 Adding, deleting, and editing Internet links=Adding deleting and editing Internet links>proc4
4 Rearranging commands in the Internet Links submenu=Rearranging commands in the Internet Links submenu>proc4
1 Getting started
2 Overview: Getting started=Overview Getting started>main
2 Creating a project
3 Overview: Creating a project=Overview Creating a project>main
3 Overview: Page layouts=Overview Page layouts>main
3 Creating a new project=Creating a new project>proc4
3 Creating a project from a sample
4 Overview: Creating a project from a sample=Overview Creating a project from a sample>main
4 Creating a project from a sample=Creating a project from a sample>proc4
3 Creating a project from scratch
4 Overview: Creating a project from scratch=Overview Creating a project from scratch>main
4 Creating a project from scratch=Creating a project from scratch>proc4
4 Converting your project to a different layout=Converting your project to a different layout>proc4
3 Opening and importing files
4 Overview: Opening and importing files=Overview Opening and importing files>main
4 Opening and importing files=Opening and importing files>proc4
2 Using wizards in Corel Print Office
3 Overview: Using wizards in Corel Print Office=Overview Using wizards in Corel Print Office>main
3 Using the Coloring, Line, Shadow, and Text wizards=Using the Coloring Line Shadow and Text wizards>proc4
3 Using the Save wizard=Using the Save wizard>proc4
3 Using the Printing wizard=Using the Printing wizard>proc4
3 Using the Open wizard=Using the Open wizard>proc4
3 Accessing a wizard from a notebook page or dialog box=Accessing a wizard from a notebook page or dialog box>proc4
2 Using the grid and rulers
3 Overview: Using the grid and rulers=Overview Using the grid and rulers>main
3 Displaying the grid and rulers=Displaying the grid and rulers>proc4
3 Setting the grid and ruler parameters=Setting the grid and ruler parameters>proc4
3 Using Snap To Grid=Using Snap To Grid>proc4
2 Viewing your work
3 Overview: Viewing your work=Overview Viewing your work>main
3 Changing the display of your work=Changing the display of your work>proc4
3 Changing the zoom level=Changing the zoom level>proc4
3 Viewing multipage projects=Viewing multipage projects>proc4
3 Viewing project information=Viewing project information>proc4
2 Undoing and redoing changes
3 Overview: Undoing and redoing changes=Overview Undoing and redoing changes>main
3 Undoing the last change=Undoing the last change>proc4
3 Redoing actions=Redoing actions>proc4
3 Changing the number of undo levels=Changing the number of undo levels>proc4
3 Restoring the last-saved version of your project=Restoring the lastsaved version of your project>proc4
2 Saving and exiting
3 Overview: Saving and exiting=Overview Saving and exiting>main
3 Saving projects=Saving projects>proc4
3 Saving projects using a different name or file format=Saving projects using a different name or file format>proc4
3 Exiting Corel Print Office=Exiting Corel Print Office>proc4
1 Adding text to your project
2 Overview: Adding text to your project=Overview Adding text to your project>main
2 Adding text
3 Overview: Adding text=Overview Adding text>main
3 Adding Paragraph text=Adding Paragraph text>proc4
3 Adding Artistic text=Adding Artistic text>proc4
3 Importing text=Importing text>proc4
3 Editing text=Editing text>proc4
2 Selecting text
3 Overview: Selecting text=Overview Selecting text>main
3 Selecting text with the Text tool=Selecting text with the Text tool>proc4
3 Selecting text with the Pick tool=Selecting text with the Pick tool>proc4
2 Formatting text
3 Overview: Formatting text=Overview Formatting text>main
3 Applying character properties
4 Overview: Applying character properties=Overview Applying character properties>main
4 Specifying font, size, and style=Specifying font size and style>proc4
4 Adding and modifying underline, overline, and strikeout=Adding and modifying underline overline and strikeout>proc4
4 Making text subscript or superscript=Making text subscript or superscript>proc4
3 Specifying text spacing
4 Overview: Specifying text spacing=Overview Specifying text spacing>main
4 Specifying letter and line spacing=Specifying letter and line spacing>proc4
4 Specifying spacing before and after paragraphs=Specifying spacing before and after paragraphs>proc4
3 Shaping text
4 Overview: Shaping text=Overview Shaping text>main
4 Fitting text to an open path=Fitting text to an open path>proc4
4 Fitting text to a closed path=Fitting text to a closed path>proc4
4 Removing text from a path=Removing text from a path>proc4
4 Adding wrappers to text=Adding wrappers to text>proc4
4 Wrapping text around an object=Wrapping text around an object>proc4
2 Applying paragraph formatting
3 Overview: Applying paragraph formatting=Overview Applying paragraph formatting>main
3 Adding columns in Paragraph text frames=Adding columns in Paragraph text frames>proc4
3 Linking paragraph text frames=Linking paragraph text frames>proc4
3 Applying bullets to Paragraph text=Applying bullets to Paragraph text>proc4
3 Customizing bullets=Customizing bullets>proc4
3 Applying drop caps to paragraphs=Applying drop caps to paragraphs>proc4
3 Applying tabs to paragraphs=Applying tabs to paragraphs>proc4
3 Adding indents=Adding indents>proc4
3 Aligning text in Paragraph text frames=Aligning text in Paragraph text frames>proc4
2 Using the Spell Checker and Thesaurus
3 Overview: Using the Spell Checker and Thesaurus=Overview Using the Spell Checker and Thesaurus>main
3 Using the Spell Checker
4 Overview: Using the Spell Checker=Overview Using the Spell Checker>main
4 Spell Checking a text object=Spell Checking a text object>proc4
4 Rechecking all text every time you check the spelling=Rechecking all text every time you check the spelling>proc4
4 Using custom Spell Checker options=Using custom Spell Checker options>proc4
4 Using automatic word replacement=Using automatic word replacement>proc4
4 Starting the Spell Checker automatically=Starting the Spell Checker automatically>proc4
4 Skipping words in your text objects during a spell-check=Skipping words in your text objects during a spellcheck>proc4
4 Choosing a Spell Checker language=Choosing a Spell Checker language>proc4
4 Displaying phonetic suggestions for words=Displaying phonetic suggestions for words>proc4
4 Adding words to the Spell Checker=Adding words to the Spell Checker>proc4
3 Using the Thesaurus
4 Overview: Using the Thesaurus=Overview Using the Thesaurus>main
4 Using the Thesaurus to look up an alternative word=Using the Thesaurus to look up an alternative word>proc4
4 Looking up a word from the Thesaurus dialog box=Looking up a word from the Thesaurus dialog box>proc4
4 Looking up a word automatically=Looking up a word automatically>proc4
4 Looking up synonyms=Looking up synonyms>proc4
4 Looking up antonyms=Looking up antonyms>proc4
4 Viewing a list of words you looked up=Viewing a list of words you looked up>proc4
4 Replacing and inserting words=Replacing and inserting words>proc4
4 Undoing the last word replacement or insertion=Undoing the last word replacement or insertion>proc4
4 Closing the Thesaurus automatically=Closing the Thesaurus automatically>proc4
4 Displaying spelling suggestions=Displaying spelling suggestions>proc4
4 Choosing another language=Choosing another language>proc4
4 Displaying another list box of alternative words=Displaying another list box of alternative words>proc4
2 Adding a table to your project
3 Overview: Adding a table to your project=Overview Adding a table to your project>main
3 Creating a table=Creating a table>proc4
3 Changing table rows and columns=Changing table rows and columns>proc4
3 Changing table lines=Changing table lines>proc4
3 Adding text to a table=Adding text to a table>proc4
1 Adding images to your project
2 Overview: Adding images to your project=Overview Adding images to your project>main
2 Using the Drawing tools
3 Overview: Using the Drawing tools=Overview Using the Drawing tools>main
3 Drawing rectangles and squares=Drawing rectangles and squares>proc4
3 Drawing ellipses and circles=Drawing ellipses and circles>proc4
3 Drawing polygons and stars=Drawing polygons and stars>proc4
3 Drawing lines and curves with the Freehand tool=Drawing lines and curves with the Freehand tool>proc4
3 Adding symbols=Adding symbols>proc4
3 Spraying symbols=Spraying symbols>proc4
2 Adding images from the Catalog
3 Overview: Adding images from the Catalog=Overview Adding images from the Catalog>main
3 Searching for an image=Searching for an image>proc4
3 Clipart
4 Overview: Clipart=Overview Clipart>main
4 Adding clipart to your project=Adding clipart to your project>proc4
3 Backdrops
4 Overview: Backdrops=Overview Backdrops>main
4 Adding a backdrop to your project=Adding a backdrop to your project>proc4
3 Borders
4 Overview: Borders=Overview Borders>main
4 Adding a border to your project=Adding a border to your project>proc4
4 Resizing borders=Resizing borders>proc4
3 Phrases
4 Overview: Phrases=Overview Phrases>main
4 Adding a phrase to your project=Adding a phrase to your project>proc4
3 Photos
4 Overview: Photos=Overview Photos>main
4 Adding a photo to your project=Adding a photo to your project>proc4
4 Starting Corel Photo House from within Corel Print Office=Starting Corel Photo House from within Corel Print Office>proc4
3 Objects
4 Overview: Objects=Overview Objects>main
4 Adding objects to your project=Adding objects to your project>proc4
3 The Scrapbook
4 Overview: The Scrapbook=Overview The Scrapbook>main
4 Adding items from the Scrapbook to your project=Adding items from the Scrapbook to your project>proc4
4 Adding and deleting Scrapbook objects=Adding and deleting Scrapbook objects>proc4
2 Scanning images into Corel Print Office
3 Overview: Scanning images into Corel Print Office=Overview Scanning images into Corel Print Office>main
3 Overview: Selecting an image to scan=Overview Selecting an image to scan>main
3 Overview: Improving image quality=Overview Improving image quality>main
3 Overview: Customizing an image=Overview Customizing an image>main
3 Overview: Selecting a resolution=Overview Selecting a resolution>main
3 Overview: Selecting a color depth=Overview Selecting a color depth>main
3 Scanning images into Corel Print Office=Scanning images into Corel Print Office>proc4
2 Acquiring an image from a digital camera
3 Overview: Acquiring an image from a digital camera=Overview Acquiring an image from a digital camera>main
3 Acquiring an image from a digital camera=Acquiring an image from a digital camera>proc4
2 Working with Kodak CD images
3 Overview: Working with Kodak CD images=Overview Working with Kodak CD images>main
3 Setting the size and color mode of a Kodak CD image=Setting the size and color mode of a Kodak CD image>proc4
3 Applying Gamut CD color correction to an image=Applying Gamut CD color correction to an image>proc4
3 Applying Kodak color correction to an image=Applying Kodak color correction to an image>proc4
3 Adjusting the properties of a Kodak FlashPix image=Adjusting the properties of a Kodak FlashPix image>proc4
1 Customizing your project
2 Overview: Customizing your project=Overview Customizing your project>main
2 Overview: About graphic objects=Overview About graphic objects>main
2 Applying styles
3 Overview: Applying styles=Overview Applying styles>main
3 Applying preset styles=Applying preset styles>proc4
2 Selecting and transforming objects and text
3 Overview: Selecting and transforming objects and text=Overview Selecting and transforming objects and text>main
3 Selecting objects
4 Overview: Selecting objects=Overview Selecting objects>main
4 Selecting an object with the Pick tool=Selecting an object with the Pick tool>proc4
4 Selecting by dragging=Selecting by dragging>proc4
4 Selecting grouped objects=Selecting grouped objects>proc4
4 Deselecting objects=Deselecting objects>proc4
3 Transforming objects and text
4 Overview: Transforming objects and text=Overview Transforming objects and text>main
3 Sizing and stretching objects and text
4 Overview: Sizing and stretching objects and text=Overview Sizing and stretching objects and text>main
4 Sizing objects and text using the mouse=Sizing objects and text using the mouse>proc4
4 Stretching objects and text using the mouse=Stretching objects and text using the mouse>proc4
4 Sizing and stretching objects and text with precision=Sizing and stretching objects and text with precision>proc4
3 Resizing and reorienting objects and text
4 Overview: Resizing and reorienting objects and text=Overview Resizing and reorienting objects and text>main
4 Resizing objects and text=Resizing objects and text>proc4
4 Flipping objects and text=Flipping objects and text>proc4
4 Rotating objects and text=Rotating objects and text>proc4
4 Skewing objects and text=Skewing objects and text>proc4
2 Arranging objects
3 Overview: Arranging objects=Overview Arranging objects>main
3 Moving, copying, and deleting objects
4 Overview: Moving, copying, and deleting objects=Overview Moving copying and deleting objects>main
4 Positioning an object on the Project Page=Positioning an object on the Project Page>proc4
4 Moving an object to a different page in your project=Moving an object to a different page in your project>proc4
4 Cutting, copying, and pasting objects using the Clipboard=Cutting copying and pasting objects using the Clipboard>proc4
4 Duplicating objects=Duplicating objects>proc4
4 Deleting objects=Deleting objects>proc4
3 Grouping and combining objects
4 Overview: Grouping and combining objects=Overview Grouping and combining objects>main
4 Grouping and ungrouping objects=Grouping and ungrouping objects>proc4
4 Combining and separating objects=Combining and separating objects>proc4
3 Ordering objects
4 Overview: Ordering objects=Overview Ordering objects>main
4 Setting the order of objects in your project=Setting the order of objects in your project>proc4
3 Aligning and distributing objects
4 Overview: Aligning and distributing objects=Overview Aligning and distributing objects>main
4 Aligning objects=Aligning objects>proc4
4 Distributing objects horizontally and vertically=Distributing objects horizontally and vertically>proc4
4 Centering objects=Centering objects>proc4
4 Removing object alignment and distribution=Removing object alignment and distribution>proc4
2 Shaping objects
3 Overview: Shaping objects=Overview Shaping objects>main
3 Converting an object to curves=Converting an object to curves>proc4
3 Selecting and deselecting nodes=Selecting and deselecting nodes>proc4
3 Adding, joining, and deleting nodes=Adding joining and deleting nodes>proc4
3 Shaping objects using the Shaper tool=Shaping objects using the Shaper tool>proc4
3 Changing node and segment properties=Changing node and segment properties>proc4
3 Shaping ellipses, rectangles, and polygons
4 Overview: Shaping ellipses, rectangles, and polygons=Overview Shaping ellipses rectangles and polygons>main
4 Changing an ellipse to a pie shape or an arc=Changing an ellipse to a pie shape or an arc>proc4
4 Rounding the corners of a rectangle or square=Rounding the corners of a rectangle or square>proc4
4 Creating a star from a polygon=Creating a star from a polygon>proc4
3 Adding wrappers to photos and objects
4 Overview: Adding wrappers to text, photos, and objects=Overview Adding wrappers to text photos and objects>main
4 Adding a wrapper to a photo or an object=Adding a wrapper to a photo or an object>proc4
2 Coloring objects
3 Overview: Coloring objects=Overview Coloring objects>main
3 Overview: Accessing the Color Palette and color models=Overview Accessing the Color Palette and color models>main
3 Adding a solid fill to an object=Adding a solid fill to an object>proc4
3 Adding a gradient fill to an object=Adding a gradient fill to an object>proc4
3 Choosing a custom color for an object=Choosing a custom color for an object>proc4
3 Copying an object's fill to another object=Copying an objects fill to another object>proc4
3 Removing an object's fill=Removing an objects fill>proc4
2 Working with lines and outlines
3 Overview: Working with lines and outlines=Overview Working with lines and outlines>main
3 Setting line width and color=Setting line width and color>proc4
3 Changing outline styles=Changing outline styles>proc4
3 Changing the line cap shape=Changing the line cap shape>proc4
3 Setting the corner shape of an object's outline=Setting the corner shape of an objects outline>proc4
3 Copying an object's outline to another object=Copying an objects outline to another object>proc4
2 Adding shadows to objects
3 Overview: Adding shadows to objects=Overview Adding shadows to objects>main
3 Adding a shadow to an object=Adding a shadow to an object>proc4
3 Removing a shadow from an object=Removing a shadow from an object>proc4
2 Fading objects
3 Overview: Fading objects=Overview Fading objects>main
3 Fading an object=Fading an object>proc4
2 Adding background objects and text
3 Overview: Adding background objects and text=Overview Adding background objects and text>main
3 Sending objects and text to the background=Sending objects and text to the background>proc4
3 Editing background objects and text=Editing background objects and text>proc4
2 Working with multipage projects
3 Overview: Working with multipage projects=Overview Working with multipage projects>main
3 Adding and deleting pages=Adding and deleting pages>proc4
3 Moving through the pages of a multipage project=Moving through the pages of a multipage project>proc4
1 Publishing projects to the Internet
2 Overview: Publishing projects to the Internet=Overview Publishing projects to the Internet>main
2 Publishing a project to the Internet
3 Overview: Publishing a project to the Internet=Overview Publishing a project to the Internet>main
3 Overview: Publishing projects in HTML format=Overview Publishing projects in HTML format>main
3 Publishing a project as a table=Publishing a project as a table>proc4
3 Publishing a project as a single image=Publishing a project as a single image>proc4
3 Publishing a project as a cascading style sheet (CSS)=Publishing a project as a cascading style sheet CSS>proc4
3 Publishing a project as layers=Publishing a project as layers>proc4
3 Choosing JPEG or GIF
4 Overview: Choosing JPEG or GIF=Overview Choosing JPEG or GIF>main
4 Overview: JPEG file format=Overview JPEG file format>main
4 Overview: GIF file format=Overview GIF file format>main
2 Emailing a project
3 Overview: Emailing a project=Overview Emailing a project>main
3 Emailing a project=Emailing a project>proc4
1 Printing your project
2 Overview: Printing your project=Overview Printing your project>main
2 Overview: Choosing a printing method=Overview Choosing a printing method>main
2 Overview: Using PostScript to optimize a print job=Overview Using PostScript to optimize a print job>main
2 Overview: Troubleshooting printing problems=Overview Troubleshooting printing problems>main
2 Setting printing options=Setting printing options>proc4
2 Printing your projects=Printing your projects>proc4
2 Printing multipage projects=Printing multipage projects>proc4
2 Printing double-sided projects=Printing doublesided projects>proc4
2 Fitting your project to the page=Fitting your project to the page>proc4
2 Choosing a print style=Choosing a print style>proc4
2 Printing envelopes=Printing envelopes>proc4
2 Adjusting printer properties=Adjusting printer properties>proc4
2 Printing on specialty paper=Printing on specialty paper>proc4
2 Printing on a commercial press
3 Overview: Printing on a commercial press=Overview Printing on a commercial press>main
3 Overview: Corel Approved Service Bureau Program=Overview Corel Approved Service Bureau Program>main
3 Preparing a print job for a commercial press
4 Overview: Preparing a print job for a commercial press=Overview Preparing a print job for a commercial press>main
4 Printing to a file=Printing to a file>proc4
1 Folding your project
2 Overview: Folding your project=Overview Folding your project>main
2 Folding a half-fold card=Folding a halffold card>proc4
2 Folding a quarter-fold card=Folding a quarterfold card>proc4
2 Folding a three-panel brochure or menu=Folding a threepanel brochure or menu>proc4
1 Reference information
2 Overview: Reference information=Overview Reference information>main
2 Menu commands
3 Overview: Menu commands=Overview Menu commands>main
3 Overview: File menu=Overview File menu>main
3 Overview: Edit menu=Overview Edit menu>main
3 Overview: View menu=Overview View menu>main
3 Overview: Format menu=Overview Format menu>main
3 Overview: Arrange menu=Overview Arrange menu>main
3 Overview: Text menu=Overview Text menu>main
3 Overview: Help menu=Overview Help menu>main
2 Importing and saving file formats
3 Overview: Importing and saving file formats=Overview Importing and saving file formats>main
3 Imported text file formats
4 Overview: Imported text file formats=Overview Imported text file formats>main
3 Saved text file formats
4 Overview: Saved text file formats=Overview Saved text file formats>main
3 Imported image file formats
4 Overview: Imported image file formats=Overview Imported image file formats>main
3 Saved image file formats
4 Overview: Saved image file formats=Overview Saved image file formats>main
2 Glossary
3 Corel Print Office Glossary=Print Office Glossary Index
2 Shortcuts
3 Overview: Shortcuts=Overview Shortcuts>main
3 Overview: Menu command shortcut keys=Overview Menu command shortcut keys>main
3 Overview: Notebook shortcut keys=Overview Notebook shortcut keys>main
3 Overview: Text formatting shortcut keys=Overview Text formatting shortcut keys>main
2 Character sets and ANSI codes
3 Overview: Character sets and ANSI codes=Overview Character sets and ANSI codes>main
3 Entering ANSI codes=Entering ANSI codes>proc4
3 Overview: ANSI Code table=Overview ANSI Code table>main
2 Year 2000
3 Overview: Year 2000=Overview Year 2000>main